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So this is the part where I tell you about me...

Almost two decades ago, I came to Africa with a 2-year plan in mind: help some people, build some houses, and then go get a real job. Um, needless to say, that never really panned out.


Now I'm a few kids in (enter Ben, Tristen and Meg) and married to a man who makes the mayhem all worth it. I'm prone to kill cacti, my kryptonite is coffee, and I sometimes struggle with verbal vomit. (My brother in law calls it "lots of fillers"; I call it "adding conversational colour.") I love words and the combination of them. I also love Menemsha sunsets and mud between my toes and singing Steven Sondheim musicals way too loud.




Besides my mom's apple pie, I love co-channeling the thunder of three little lives into something crazy explosive and kind to the world. Friendships are worth dropping your hat for - always - and dreams beyond self-service are incredibly appealing to me. I've always had a thing for the voiceless and disempowered, and I love connecting the dots between hope and opportunity.


I've tried religion. It doesn't fill the gap. Sometimes I'm prone to fall back into it, but thankfully the fall is forward. I'm finding church (you know, like the not-a-building one?) is a delicious alternative.


I'm trying to be more about others and less about myself. (That includes a husband who does it way better than me.)

I'm also trying to put aside the tick list and 'waste' time in our hammock. (Again, the husband's got this one down.)


I'm all for laughing at yourself. I'm also all for traveling around the world, which is exactly what we plan to do for the year of 2020. So stay in touch, as this crazy plan unfolds.


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